Tip #3: Two decisions

What decisions do you NEED to make about your work before you zero draft it? Just two:

  • The aspect ratio. What size will your comic be in its final form? Whatever size you make the zero draft at, you want the proportions of the page to match your final size so that your layouts and drawings can be honed and reproduced for that size without changing. So make a choice now, and stick to it (yes, and baby).

  • Is the length set, or flexible? If you’re making a zero draft for a story that you want to be published, and you’ve only been given 10 pages to fill, your storytelling will need to resolve within those limits. If you’re freewheeling this story, self-publishing or shooting for a longer form project that is entirely up to you, then you know you’ve got more room to follow those whims.

That’s it! You’re not deciding on materials, character designs, details in any way (unless they’re critical to the story), or even the words. The words should actually be treated with the least preciousness, since they’re most likely to change MULTIPLE times before your comic is done. 

So you’ve got two decisions to make before we get started. That’s it!

We’ll be here again tomorrow with more for you. Until then,

Sam & Georgia


Tip #4: Minimum baseline


Tip #2: Bring your comics friends close